Your Provisions in Sicily NOW

- Cheese & Dairies
- Meat & Game
- Fish & Seafood
- Bread & Baking
- Herbs & Spices
- Fruits & Vegetables
- Wines & Spirits
- Waters & Beverages
- Sweets & Cakes
- Toiletries & Cleaning items
- Kitchen Technical Equipment
- Flowers & Arrangements

Cheese & Dairies
We know how important diaries are in daily diet: we offer you a wide selection of local, national and international variety of cheese and diary products.
Meat & Game
The best selection of meat, vacuum-packed and cut in the size you need. Ask our experts for a great sselection for your barbecue.

Fish & Seafood
Fish in Sicily is legendary! We do select the very best produce directly from the fish market, to let you taste a perfect meal just as it was just out of the sea. We pay extremely attention to the local and legal organic stop for our species. It’s a way to protect our environment!

Bread & Baking
Bread is famous in Sicily: pls ask a generous selection of local bread, baked twice a day, fresh or frozen to let you have it anytime during your cruise.

Herbs & Spices
Herbs and spices really enrich dramatically your cuisine: try herbs and spices directly from our open-air markets, it will be un unforgettable experience!

Fruits & Vegetables
An excellent selection of beautiful and delicious fresh produce both from KmO and from importation.

Wines & Spirits
Either do you need international wines or fancy to taste and experience our best Sicilian wines, you can count on us. We perfectly know how to match your guests’ desires and preferences.

Waters & Beverages
Luxury waters, different sizes and formats, beverages from all over the world delivered directly to your boat.

Sweets & Cakes
Try the original taste of our famous sweets and cakes: Cassata, Cannoli, icecream are a joy for the taste and for the eyes!

Toiletries & Cleaning items
Any specific item you may need to make your job onboard easier!

Kitchen Technical Equipment
Anything you need onboard to help you on your job.

Flowers & Arrangements
The freshest and most beautiful flowers for your guests, according to their preferences